Monday, December 12, 2011

God's calling vs. Our plans

WOW...I haven't done this in a LONG time.  It's been over a year since I last blogged, to say a lot has happened would be an understatement.  So I will try to give a semi-brief synopsis of the past 13 months of my life, as I'm sure you all care SO much about my life :)

So last time I updated was November of 2010.  At that time I was the privileged to be the worship leader at New Hope Church.  Liz and I continued to serve at the church and growing closer to God and people.  In January I started back to school.  This time I had vision and a calling of God on my life rather than picking a degree simply just because I was relatively good at.  At one point I had a desire to be a music teacher cause I was relatively good at music, then God graciously closed the door on that opportunity.  Years later I had a great desire to open up a coffee house.  But God had a calling for me.  I now had freedom in Christ.  God had been softening/opening my heart some six to twelve months and had been calling me into full-time vocational ministry.  I enrolled at Liberty University with a degree in Religion and a Minor in Christian Counseling.  God rocked my world!  Turns out all of the "knowledge" I thought I had was like a drop of water in the ocean.  God graciously opened my mind and gave me an aptitude and desire to learn.  Get this...I started to read...and actually liked it, YUCK!  God turned me into a reader and I thank Him for that.  As Mark Driscoll says "Readers are leaders, and leaders are readers."  

God saw my plans of wanting to open a coffee shop and redirected them and said "I have something better than your about My calling?" 

Scripture tells us that "God will give us the desires of our hearts" Ps. 37:4 
As God has showed me that this doesn't mean that if we desire a new car that we will get a new car.  Rather what it means is: that the closer we grow in relationship to Christ the less we start to look to the desires of our flesh and the more we look to the desires of God.  So when we desire the same things that God does the more He enjoys granting us the desires of our hearts.

As I said I knew that God had called me to full-time vocational ministry, but I didn't believe that that calling was to be a worship leader for the rest of my life.  I thoroughly enjoyed leading worship and I was honored to do so.  As I grew closer to God I had a new not of the flesh but of God.  I desired to share the gospel.  And God granted that desire.  He gave me countless opportunity to share my relationship with others at work.  And that excitement evolved to teaching people about Scripture and God.  I was hooked! I loved it.  

My good friend K-lub had been attending the church for about 6 months and K-lub was/is really  good at music.  My best friend, Wes from back in Ohio, who is also insanely good at music, moved down to Florida and moved in with Liz and I.  Later on Wes and K-lub would become Liz and I's housemates.  But that is another story.  I digress. Needless to say I sensed my time as worship leader was winding down.  I desired to teach, but I had no avenue to do so and let's face it...I wasn't really qualified. But God had a calling...

Late June Derrick approached me and asked me to step into the role of Student Director at the church, while still having a hand in the worship area.  In the meantime Liz and I and  our dear friends Jeremy and Diane started up a small group of young adults (20's-early 30's) and I was to be the leader of the group and primary teacher.  

In a matter of weeks I had stepped into the role of Student Director, our first activity was Student Life in Daytona Beach, Florida.  God graciously allowed 19 of us to go!  15 Students and 4 of my best friends!  Every student made a commitment to God that week! Praise God!

Fast-forward 3 months.  Liz and I were on a walk in early October on a absolutely gorgeous day.  Things were great...and I received a phone call, in which I was informed that in two weeks I would be leaving for training to deploying to Afghanistan for six months.  All a kid who was supposed to go on the deployment got a DUI while back from training, and would not be able to deploy, and I was the only one who was eligible to go in our entire deployment.  

TWO WEEKS!?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? This can't be not with the youth group! Not with small group! Not with school!  Not with Liz! Not with the church! God this isn't in the plans! God this isn't right! 

...but God had a calling...

Here I sit in Afghanistan a little over a month into my deployment.   And WOW!

I met a new friend since I've been here, Jacob.  People back home were praying that I would meet another Christian friend while I am here so I will be strengthen and encourage.  I met the Paul to my Silas or the Silas to my Paul however you want to put it.  Within a day or two of us meeting we started a Bible study.  So far we have had 7 separate people come.  And countless conversations with people at work. 

 Most notably is the story of our friend Nathan.  We asked him a few times to come to Bible study and he couldn't answer "no" fast enough.  Until one day Jacob was posted with Nathan.  And the entire shift he and Nathan discussed God and the Bible and he came to Bible study that night.  After two solid hours of he and another non-believer relentlessly asking us questions trying to, as he put it "throw a wrench into our beliefs"  I gave them the opportunity to invite Christ into their lives.  Nathan accepted!  We had the opportunity to pray with him and for him and we rejoiced with all of heaven that day!

Another notable account was yesterday I was working with a member from the Afghannie Boarder Police.  Through a touch language barrier I introduced Jesus Christ to him.  I don't know if he quite understood the importance of what it was I was conveying to him...but I asked him if I were to get him a Bible in his native language (Pashto) if he would read it.  He agreed.  This came at great risk to both of us, but moreso to him.  It is illegal for me try to convert anyone to Christianity.  The message I delivered to him could sentence him to death.  He Islamic, and it is punishable by death for him to have Christian material in his possession let alone to call on the name of Jesus.  For the sake of his safety I will not disclose his name.  

As I have heard it said "I get the joy, God gets the glory!"

So I'm glad that God works all things together for our good.  Who knows what would've happened if my plans would've taken place rather than God's calling.  And for that I am thankful!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Doctrine of "Perfect in Love"

Over the past several months, I have found myself in some intense discussions about different Christian Doctrines (ie: Calvinism and the Wesleyan Arminian or "Holiness" Doctrine). Both have some excellent arguments about why their dead theologian has the better doctrine and the better understanding of God's word than the other dead theologian.

So I studied both, I still am studying both. I have a couple of issues with both of these doctrines. My biggest issue with these doctrines, is they are both right! The other issue is that they are both MAN'S interpretation of GOD'S word. Yes, I realize that I myself am a man, so please realize that, I know that I am not 100% on this either. And that my intention and my prayer is to put a new perspective on Christianity, to make you think outside of the box, to allow you to think on your own.

I have been studying God's word and praying, over the past several months, that God would reveal to me which, doctrine is the doctrine that most represents His will for our lives. And sometimes God gives us the answer, but we don't see it because we are looking for a certain answer. Well is it A=God's will or is it B=God's will ? So we look and we look, we search and pray. When all along God is saying to us "The answer is right there! Yes the answer is A." And we are satisfied. Then we read something else and God says to us "Yes B is the answer!" And we go back and forth and back and forth. When really all along the answer is right there. All along we are trying to fit God into the categories, trying to compartmentalize God's will and make it seem like God is this one dimensional being. This God who can't make up his mind. When all along God is saying "YES THAT'S THE ANSWER". I tend to believe the is isn't A=God's will or B=God's will but AB=God's will.

As humans we tend to over complicate things, be over analytical. By trying to simplify things we make them more complicated. Why would two very wise Christian's, whom I both love and respect, have two completely different views on the will of Christ? Why would Jesus say to the women at the well 'Go and sin no more' (John 8:11) and also say "...I refer to those whose sin does not lot lead to death." (1John 5:16) and "All wrong doing is sin, and there is sin the does not lead to death" (1John 5:17) Romans 9. God is very complex. but the will of God is simple.

The will of God is simple. Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. The second which is equal to this is to love your neighbor as yourself.

The problem, to me, with the Holiness Doctrine is that, it leaves room to forget to love God. If you spend all of your time and energy on trying to not sin. It makes you vulnerable to forget why you are spending all of this time and energy to not sin. And the other issue to me is that followers of this doctrine are subject that their sin wasn't "intentional" therefor it wasn't a sin.

Galatians 5:4 You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ, you have fallen away from grace. (NIV)

On the other side of the coin, the problem with the Calvinist Doctrine, is that it has the ability to take out all personal accountability for sin. Because people could have the notion that if I am chosen I no longer need to follow the will of God because I have said my magic prayer and once saved always saved.

You have seen some of my very basic issues (there are more than just those few) with both Doctrines. Now let me introduce my doctrine. The Doctrine of Perfect in Love or Calvminianism.

You may have seen in previous post that I LOVE Romans 6. These next few verses, to me really sum up how to achieve God's will.

Romans 6: 11In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.12Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. 13Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.

Here's the thing. When you love someone so much; whether it be a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, brother, sister, mom, dad. You are not going to want to do anything to hurt or disappoint them. How is that workin' out for ya? You still love them, they still love you. You still make mistakes. But the more you get to know them, the deeper in love you fall with them, the less and less you will hurt or disappoint them. It's the same thing with God. The more time we spend with him, the more things we do to glorify and praise Him, less and less will we hurt Him. Those desires to sin, will turn into desires to honor him. Don't focus on NOT SINNING focus on getting to know God, glorifying Him in everything you do, in every thought, in every action, in every word.

To sum it up. Live for God in every aspect of your life. Do EVERYTHING in your power to praise and honor him. When you fall don't get discouraged. Don't become like Judas and give up. React like Peter, get back up and figure out how to follow him closer. Take those times of sin and turn it into a testimony. John tells us that everyone has a testimony. USE IT, SHARE IT. Don't just share your testimony, BE your testimony. You do these things you will be Perfect in Love.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Today I spent my last day of vacation, with my mom, dad, two of my sisters (Amynda & Emily) and two of my nephews (Xander,4 and Asher, 2). We spent the day at the lake and on the boat, because let's face it we're river/lake rats :) I grew up in the water and LOVE IT. There is another story in itself right there, but that is for another time.

Today I had a valuable lesson taught to me by, yep you guessed it, my nephews! God is just incredible the way he teaches us things and lets us learn on our own accord. Unfortunately, for me I generally have to *"learn from my own mistakes". Yet, I enjoy things so much more when I really open my eyes and my heart and just listen to Gods little lessons that he teaches us everyday. Today's lesson was twofold: Have a child-like faith and trust in God. And Secondly, HAVE FUN WHILE YOU'RE DOING IT!

It is very obvious that God delights in our faithfulness and trust we put in him. And often times we as 'grown ups' get in our own way of our own relationships with God. We over think and over analyze things when really God just wants us to K.I.S.S (KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!)

While our boat was anchored and we were all relaxing, of course, the boys were having a blast swimming and splashing around. But what the boys most enjoyed was jumping off the side of the boat. At first they were scared to even touch the water let alone take a 'leap of faith' into it. Then, after being told dozens of times "It's okay, I won't let you fall", they would climb up and mommy would steady them, and they would jump as high and as far as they could into 'mam-maw, papaw, auntie Em, or unckie Zack's' arms. And they would hit the water go under for a split second and come up with a HUGE GRIN and just say "DO IT ADIN!"

Isn't that just like us as Christ-followers? We are fearful of what God has in store for us, that we might go under, but when we finally do take that step we realize that we are in Gods hands and he won't let us go under.

I know for me, God is constantly testing me and my faith. And at first I'm scared and I'm nervous and I think to myself 'What if I go under?' 'What if I fail?'. God is there with His arms open saying "It's okay! I'm not going to let you go under!"

Here is the best part...When I DO put my faith in God, when I DO trust Him, when I DO jump: I HAVE SO MUCH FUN!

We need to learn to listen to God, to have an open mind and an open heart so that God can teach us DAILY. I want to become like my nephews and when God says "Jump." I jump. And come up with a huge grin on my face and say "DO IT AGAIN DADDY! DO IT AGAIN!"

*A smart man learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from other peoples mistakes.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Christians: Offense or Defense

So last night I went out with a good friend from high school, Steve Moore. He and I have been good friends all throughout school, but yet were never really "great friends". We each had different social groups and sets of friends, but we always seemed to have a connection that none of our other friends seemed to have had. That connection we later found out was our calling that God has placed on our lives and more importantly, the thing that binds all of us believers, Jesus Christ. He and I have very similar backgrounds and up bringings. And at the same time we each have almost identical struggles.

In talking with each other we each shared our testimonies and our new lives in Christ and how God has been doing some INCREDIBLE things in each of our lives. One of the MANY things he said last night left a lasting impression on me that really made me reevaluate my strategy with dealing with sin, temptation, and evil. And what he said was this:

"The Lord is calling the Church to stop being on the defensive! When we are on the defensive we dwell on our struggles and hurts. We need to attack, for when we are focusing on the Lord to make war we forget about the attacks of the enemy, because he can't attack when we are attacking him, he is too occupied with backing up in fear of the Lord!!!"

...I sat there with the biggest grin on my face, because something SO SIMPLE, was SO PROFOUND!

Something I realized recently is one of the most awesome things about God and the Bible. And that is, is that they both are uniform all the way through. From Genesis through Revelation. When we as Christians are on the attack we see no need to want to sin. He went on

"What I mean Christians we get so caught up in trying not to sin! Well, to be honest that's impossible to accomplish. We are just dwelling on our flaws and sins and trying to not do them. Well as you know that can be very hard! But if we go on the offensive, (doing the Lords work) by going out and trying to do the Lord's will (let people ...know His love), we don't even give acknowledgment to the sins we struggle with, because we are so caught up in doing the Lord's work. At the very name of Jesus, Satan must leave, and when we are walking and proclaiming the name of Jesus the enemy can't even stand to be around us. So if we are constantly attacking, we don't have to worry about a defense, because you cant attack and defend at the same time, you either are attacking or defending! And when we defend we just wait for bombardments from the enemy and try to dodge them! Well I say screw that! I'm done dodging, it's time for him to start dodging my attacks!"

Immediately, I was reminded of Romans 6. When Paul talks about being dead to sin and alive in Christ. That should we just continue to sin because it's in our nature? He says by NO MEANS! He goes on for awhile and proceeds to say "13Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness. 14For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace."

When we are on the offense we don't even THINK about sinning because we are doing God's will and GLORIFYING God and not GRATIFYING ourselves.

How about this:
Instead of trying to NOT sin. How about we try to GLORIFY God in EVERYTHING we do.

He reminded me of the way Jesus taught the disciples to pray...."Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done..." Often times we read/say that line without a second thought. But the AWESOME thing about that verse is this: When we become sons and daughters of Christ, he gives us ALL of his power and authority. That when we pray "Thy Kingdom Come" that LITERALLY MEANS, that God allows Heaven to visit us here on earth. That when the presence and power of God comes down on us, He is giving us a taste of Heaven.

And that is just a taste of how awesome the God that I serve is!